The other day I sat on the bus and watched out of the window. How the people would pass fast by and the houses and the trees. The sunshine illuminating the grass. Then I began to think of death. That, it seems so comfortable here (sometimes) and, that it will end. Someday, which I don't even know the will be my final stop and I will never get to eat aubergine again.
Days of Heaven (1978) Director: Terrence Malick
Saturday, 1 March 2014
I rarely get hurt and, I do not mean like a broken heart. I rarely get heartbroken too. However, I have been looking at my bandages and how I never get to use them. Surely, now and then I'll bump my feet into something. I'm sure this sounds weird. You see, it is not that I want to get hurt so I can use my is that I realized I don't get hurt because I don't do anything. Because, I live in inertia. I don't even ride my bicycle anymore. The last time I rode it...I was going downhill quite fast and some insect went straight into my eyes and I braked hard and WOW..flipped down the hill. Result: bruises and muddy knees. Yeah, I got to use the bandages, at least.